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E.G. Mozolevskaya, E.G. Kulikova, N.K. Belova






Moscow urban forests and amenity plantings arc exposed to heavy press of unfavourable environmental conditions. Natural and anthropogenie factors of urban plant sustainability destahilization in the city of Moscow arc discovered.

The problem of pests and diseases in urban plant ecosystems as one of the most significant issue in the process of their desturbing is discussed. Pests and diseases complex features as well as the most harmful species are discrihed.Obtained data can be used for planning ot pest control strategy under the urban conditions.




Moscow urban forests and amenity plantings carry out exclusively important functions providing environmental protection as well as architecture- and landscape-forming role. They represent the conglomeration of natural ecosystems and mainly artificial plant units functioning in urbanaized environment: They include diffrent types of plant stands: elementary and complex street plant areas, square gardens, parks and the Natural Park. They are exposed to heavy press of unfavourable anthropogenie and natural factors.

The main anthropogenie desturbing factors are chemical, physical and biological pollution ot atmosphere and soil. their abnormal temperature and water regime, abscence ot soil litter, additional lighting at the night, mechanical injury, high recreational press, etc.

The main natural factors ot woody planting destabilization and decreasing of their decorative piopu'ties and ecological 1 unctions are unfavourable weather and climate laclois including disasters, relatively old age ot plants causing losses ot their sustainability, complex of pests and diseases showing ability to term outbreaks.




Research collective ot the Department ot Ecology and Forest Protection of the Moscow State Forest University during last 20 years holds investigations on trees and shrubs - assosiated urban ecosystems of the city of Moscow. They involve investigations on ecological condition features of different stand types, anthropogenie and natural stress factor role and dynamics.

As a result of research the principal data on natural and anthropogenie factors of urban plant sustainability destabilisation in the city of Moscow was discovered as well as the scale of their influence.

The problem ot pests and diseases in urban plant ecosystems as one of the most significant issue in the process of their desturbing is discussed here.




Specific pest comlex is formed in Moscow urban environment. This specificity can be explained by the different ecological situation due to different types of urban stands (plants). It also depends on kind of wood species, the type and age of ornamental stands, their contents and structure, the development of soil litter etc. It is reflected in the diversity of species comets of dendrofagous fauna and pathogenic fungi, density of insects and disease spraed.

Ecological complexes of pests may be devided into two distinctively different groupes. The first are those which mostly occur in different types of urban complicated plants (stands) the ecological condition of which are drawing nearer to natural conditions (parks, man-made forests and National Park). Pest and pathogen species diversity, species content and structure are richer here, but they seldom reproduced in large quantities and are almost not harmful.

Another group involves species which mostly iccur in variouse elementary types of urban stands, for example, street plant areas. Street plants of different types are influenced to a great extent by unfavourable urban invironment factors. Insects, adapted to unfavourable urban conditions and first of all to air pollution prevail in them. They often have preventive covers consisting of wax secretions and scales (aphids and scale insects), of leaves (leafrollers) and leaf epidermis (miners) and tissues (gall-forming insects and mites). Other groups of insect pests (such as leaf-eating, bark-beetles etc.) are less represented. Species content of tree and shrub pathogens is also much less in these conditions. Urban environment pollution causes supression of insects and pathogens living on the open surfaces of plants as a result of direct contact. Night light and specific wind regime in urban areas very often determine features of spreading and migration some of insect species Number of urban buldings makes better conditions of species over-wintering on the stage of adult. Urban underground communications, destrurbing soil-hydrological conditions, deficiency of planting nursing and cultivation may serve as additional stress-factors and predispose plants to weakening and to insects and pathogen infections.




Species content of identified pests and diseases is very diverse and numerous. At the same time it is very specific. There are many factors influencing on their specificity. The most important of them are peculiarity of urban plant environment, urban landscape features and diversity of urban environment with various types of anthropogenious unfluence. Structure, type of plantings, plant species content and other factors determine importance and domination of separate pathogen and pest species and complexes. It can be illustrated by some examples.

Through other ecological groups of pathogens only few have wide distribution. So one of the most widely spread in urban ecosystems is the group of twigs, branches and trunk cankers and diebacks. Some of these diseases have epiphytoty character recent few years in Moscow. They are Dutch elm disease (Ophiosioma ulmi) and the disease caused by the fungus Thyrostroma compactum Sacc. that affects mostly lime. Both of these two woody species (lime and elm) have very wide distribution and play significant role in urban forestry of Moscow, because of their unique decorative properties. That is why these diseases are very harmful to the urban plantings. Very detailed research on the problem of Dutch elm disease and Thyrostroma canker were held at the Department by Dr. E.S. Sokolova and Dr. E.P. Kuzmitchev. Pathogen life cycles, development features and epiphytoty character were described during last ten years.

The most important arthropod groups in pest complex are the groups of leaf-eating insects (defoliators). miners and gall-forming insects and mites. Some species are characterized of ability to very rapid density rising and outbreaking. Through leaf-eating species they are gypsy moth (Lymanlria dispur L.), some leaf rollers species (Tortrix viridana L., Archips crataegana Hbn.), poplar leaf miner (Lilhocolletis populifoliella Tr.) and larch needle miner (Coleophora laricella Hb.). The outbreak of Yponomeutidae moths (Lepidopiera) are observing during recent two years.

It is nescssary to underline the importance of sap-sucking pests in Moscow urban environment. They arc able to increase density and to establish population rapidly due some biological and ecological peculiarities, such as presence ot scales (scale insects) or wax secretions (aphids) or ability to multiply reproduction during the vegetation season (aphids, mites), or very close connection with plant tissues (scale insects) and others. In Moscow urban areas, the most widely spreading and harmful species are some scale insects (Lepidosaphes ulmi, Chionaspis salicis L., Parthenolecamum corni Bouche.), lime aphid - Eucallipterus ulmi L., lime spider mite - Schizotetranichus telarius L. and some others.

High degree of damage is peculiar to those insect species which arc able to transfer plant diseases. Through the insects associated with plant diseases in Moscow Region., it is possible to separate species associated with Dutch elm disease (bark beetles Scolytus scofylus F., S. multistriatus March.. S. pigmueus F.) with poplar wood-decaying and declining processes (Aegeria apiformis Cl. - Sessiidae), with virus diseases (aphid group, including shoot aphids).




All these and some other urban pest peculiarities can be used for planning of strategy and tactics ot pest control under the urban conditions. It demands to provide long-term continuose monitoring, further development of population dynamic forecasting models, improving ot preventive and active control measures.




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2. Belova N.K., Nykolaevskaya N.G., Poletaeva C.I. 1987. Gypsy moth in urban stands (it the city of Moscow. // In: Proccedings ot Moscow State Forest-Technical Institute. № 188. pp.19 - 24.

3. Belova N.К., Nykolaevskaya N.G. 1988. Biological peculiarities of the gypsy moth in urban stands of the city of Moscow. //In: Gypsy Moth: Results and Perspectives of the Investigations. Materials on the Project of the Second National Programm:"The Man and Biosphere (MaB)", Krasnoyarsk, IF&W SD AS of USSR. - p. 7 - 8.

4. Belova N.K. 1990. Dangerous shecies ot phyllophagous in ornamental stand of the city of Moscow. In:// Proc. MSFTI. No. 224, pp. 58 - 64.

5. Belova N.K. 1990. Urban Stand pests. In//Forest protection, Moscow, № 8, pp. 37 - 38.

6. Kulikova E.G. 1984. Coccoidcs of urban plants of the city ot Moscow and Moscow Region. - In The Proceeding of the Moscow Forest-Technical Institute. Vol. 156. pp. 86 - 91.

7. Kulikova E.G. 1986. Features of coccoides distribution in urban woody stands. - In : "Ecology and Forest Protection". - Leningrad, pp. 36 - 40.

8. Kulikova E.G. 1995. Pest and disease complexes specificity in Moscow urban areas. - In: Proceedings of XX World IUFRO Congress, Abstracts, Tampere, Finland, p. 345

9. Kulikova E.G. 1996. The ways of pests penetration into urban plantings. - In: Journal of Urban Community and Ecology, Moscow, vol.2, pp.6 - 8

10. Kulikova E.G. 1996. Anthropogenic factors influencing on pest complex formation in different types of Moscow amenity planiings. - In: Proceedings of International Conference held at the WSFU. Moscow, vol. 1, pp. 152 - 155

11. Kuzmichev E.P. 1987. Dutch Elm Disease and its control in urban stands. In: Proc. MSFTI № 188. - p.p. 39 - 44.

12. Kuzmichev E.P. 1994. Structure, content and biocenotic role of dendrotrophic fungi in forest communities and urban ecosystems. - In: Doctor's Thesis Moscow. - 1994. - 53 p.

13. Mozolevskaya E.G, Belova N.G., Kuzmichev E.P. 1992. The role of dendrophyllous entomofauna and phytopathological fungi in functioning of phytocenoses in the city of Moscow. In the book: "Ecological investigations in the city of Moscow and Moscow Region". Moscow, pp. 117 - 124.

14. Mozolevskaya E.G., Sokolova E.S., Kuzmichev E.P., Belova N.K., Kulikova E.G. 1996. Urban plant sustainability desturbing factors and strategy of their protection measures in urban forestry of the city of Moscow. - In: Proceedings of MSFU "Ecology, monitoring and rational use of nature". Moscow, vol. 283, p. 37 - 64.


Печатная версия опубликована:

Тезисы выступлений на "The 3rd international conference on the development of forestry and wood science/technology" September 29th - October 3rd, 1997. V. 1. - P. 343 – 346.


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A rolling stone gathers no moss. Катящийся камень мхом не обрастет.
© Белов Д.А., Белова Н.К., 2007 – 2222 г.
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